Census/Street Listing

The Town of Holbrook sends out an annual census in January of each year. Your response to the Annual Census is important to the community. Many state and federal government agencies depend upon census data in determining funding for our schools, roads, and eligibility for important grants, all which affects our local tax rate.

According to state law, failure to respond to the mailing shall result in removal from the active voting list and may result in removal from the voter registration rolls, so please return your census! If you are new to Holbrook, you can receive a blank street listing form from the Town Clerk's office.

You cannot register to vote on your census. However if you are a registered voter and do not answer the census, every voter in your family will be made an inactive voter and will not be allowed to vote until they visit the clerks office to fill out necessary paperwork. You can register to vote by mail, online, or in person at the Town Clerk's office.

The Annual Street List of Residents is published in the summer and is available in the Town Clerk’s office for a fee of $15.00.