Holbrook Library: Chopped Virtual Kitchen Challenge February 2022

Chopped Virtual Kitchen Challenge February 2022

Do you like cooking, baking, and being creative in the kitchen?  Join the Holbrook Library for our February Chopped Virtual Kitchen Challenge.  Everyone is welcome: adults, teens, and kids!  Based loosely on the popular cooking show, we are challenging everyone to pick up our secret ingredient kit beginning Tuesday, February 22.  You will have one week to come up with a recipe and use the secret ingredients.  The following week, on Monday, February 28, we will meet on Zoom at 6:30pm and you can show us your kitchen creation!  Take a picture of your dish and make sure to send us the recipe so we can post both for everyone to see.  Registration is required so that we will know how many secret ingredient kits to prepare.  Please register individually for each participant that needs a secret ingredient kit.  You must register by Thursday, February 17 (supplies are being bought on Friday, February 18).

Register online on our website here:  https://holbrookpubliclibrary.org/event/chopped/

For additional information, please contact the Holbrook Public Library at 781-767-3644, visit our website at www.holbrookpubliclibrary.org, or email us at hpl@holbrook.ocln.org.