Baird and McGuire Focus Group

A message from the Holbrook Board of Health:

Holbrook’s EPA Coordinator at the Baird and McGuire Toxic Superfund site will host an informational focus group this coming month.

The Holbrook Board of Health would like to invite you to participate in a conversation about the EPA's involvement with our community moving forward.

This is an opportunity to speak directly with the EPA in a small group setting about what matters most to you about the future of the site, the issues you want to hear about, and the kinds of outreach you are interested in.

Your input will directly shape the decisions we make about community involvement moving forward.

We have a limited number of focus group slots at various early afternoon and evening times in the coming weeks of 9/6, 9/13, and 9/20 available on a first come first served basis.

The conversation will last roughly 1 hour 15 minutes minutes, via Zoom, with you and a handful of other community members.

Follow this link to see the schedule and sign up:

We would be enormously grateful for your participation.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the focus groups or the sign up.

Katie Goldrick, Chair
Allyson Pinkhover, Vice-Chair
Rose Domingo Horne, Clerk